Sexual desire

Sexual desire

Low sexual desire is a common issue for women, in particular among the midlife group. It is caused by changes in hormone levels, relationship, medical, psychological and/or physical issues. For hormonal issue, there are natural ingredient-based products, although their efficacy is still being studied. For the vaginal health issue, there are pharmaceutical and natural products. Above all, it is important to maintain health and connect to your partner.

Low sex drive or ‘low libido’ is a common issue. It affects men and women of all ages, and, in particular, women who are middle aged or those going through menopause.

Low sex drive is caused by a number of factors;

  • changes in hormone levels
  • relationship issues
  • medical issues (e.g. vaginal dryness, pain during intercourse, diabetes),
  • cultural and psychological challenges.

Women typically experience a decrease in sexual desire as they age and, in particular, as they go through menopause. Sex drive deceases gradually with age in both men and women, however, women are more likely to be affected.

The hormone Testosterone plays an important role in women’s sex drive and sensation and decreasing levels of the hormone is believed to be a cause in the decline of sexual interest among midlife women.

In the years around menopause, women may become particularly concerned about their sex life. Changes in oestrogen hormone levels create physical and psychological stress and can also cause vaginal tissues to become thinner and drier, which, in turn, can make sexual intercourse difficult and painful.

Although general wellbeing and a healthy and positive relationship with your partner are the foundations for maintaining a healthy sex life, there are a number of things you can do to help:

Maintaining a healthy body is the first step

  • Be active
  • Avoid smoking, drugs and alcohol
  • Maintain a healthy vagina

To help maintain healthy vagina, it is recommended to practice pelvic floor exercise. Avoid products that irritate the vagina, and, if necessary, consider using products to protect vaginal tissue. There are many natural ingredient-based products that help restore healthy vagina including Palomacare
and Idracare, which help to restore vaginal tissue, add moisture and rebalance microbiome.

Above all, maintain a healthy connection with your partner. Work on improving the connection you have and allow more time to become aroused during sex.

If you’re concerned about low sex drive and life style and relationship-based approach is not having enough effect, it’s important to talk to your GP.

You might be given a hormone treatment. Hormone replacement therapy works for low sex drive among women in or post menopause and it is widely used. Some doctors prescribe testosterone to increase sexual drive among women although this treatment is not approved in Europe.

Although there is no approved prescription drug in Europe to treat women’s low sex drive, there are natural-ingredient based food supplements. Libicare is an example of such products. It has shown efficacy in a small-scale trial in increasing sex drive in women.

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