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Date: 20/11/2024

High-risk CIN 1 and treatment options

You’ve been told you have CIN 1 and you’re wondering what to do next. Find out what it means, what the risks are and your treatment options. I have CIN1. Is it high risk? CIN is caused by human papillomavirus or HPV, which most sexually active people have at some point. A diagnosis of CIN […]
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Woman on chair
Date: 22/11/2023

Treatment options if you've had a diagnosis of CIN

Learn more about what it means if you get a diagnosis of CIN, and about your treatment options. What does it mean if I’ve been diagnosed with CIN? CIN stands for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and it means there have been some changes to the cells that line the cervix (abnormal cells). Cervical means it affects […]
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Date: 09/06/2020

The Medicinal Mushroom - Coriolus versicolor (Champignon coriolus, Kawaratake, Krestin, Turkey Tail, Yun Zhi)

The Medicinal Mushroom - Coriolus versicolor (a.k.a. Champignon coriolus, Kawaratake, Krestin, Turkey Tail, Yun Zhi) Commonly known as the “Turkey Tail” or “cloud mushroom”, this mushroom has recently attracted a lot of attention among the medical community or its anticancer properties. As a general sceptic, I am usually cautious of these claims. There seem to […]
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What is the best supplement to take for HPV?
Date: 05/12/2024
If you have tested positive for HPV, you might be wondering what is the best supplement to help get rid of the virus from your body. We look at the choices, what the science says and what action you can take.   Why take action to get rid of HPV? Human papillomavirus, known as HPV, […]
High-risk CIN 1 and treatment options
Date: 20/11/2024
You’ve been told you have CIN 1 and you’re wondering what to do next. Find out what it means, what the risks are and your treatment options. I have CIN1. Is it high risk? CIN is caused by human papillomavirus or HPV, which most sexually active people have at some point. A diagnosis of CIN […]
The role of inositol in fertility and egg quality: the latest science
Date: 05/11/2024
We’ve known for some time that inositol is important to support fertility, especially for women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). But now, thanks to a breakthrough in research, we know exactly how to use inositol to improve egg quality.  What is inositol? You’ll usually hear it referred to in the plural, inositols, a group of […]
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