Home Natural Ingredients

Nature is our medicine basket. All our products are made from herbs and naturally available chemicals whose benefits are known to us from the time of our ancestors.

Natural plants & bacteria

Aloe Vera

Repairs tissue.

Aloe has been used for thousands of years for a number of skin conditions in the Eastern and Western Civilisations.

Clinical research suggests that topical application of an aloe may improve acne, speed up burn healing, pain from burns and help people with herpes simplex, lichen planus, or psoriasis.

Centella asiatica

Centella asiatica is widely used in the East for wound healing, leprosy, lupus, varicose ulcers, eczema, psoriasis and diseases of the female genitourinary tract. It contains triterpenoid saponins that are believed to be responsible for its wide therapeutic actions.

Coriolus Versicolor

Repairs tissue.

Coriolus versicolor is a mushroom of the Basidiomycetes class. It is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a tonic, and studies suggest that it has immunostimulant and antitumor properties.


(Turnera Aphorodisiaca)

In Central and South America, Damiana is traditionally used as an aphrodisiaic, it has
an aromatase inhibitor effect
which can lead to an increase
in free testosterone. Some data suggest that Damiana has mild anti-depression, sedative and antioxidant effect.


(Ginkgo Biloba)

Ginkgo facilitates blood flow and has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, an important process for the sexual response in women. In men, there is some evidence that Ginkgo alleviates erectile dysfunction.

In addition, Ginkgo improves mental acuity and it contains flavonoids and terpenoids, which are antioxidants that protect cells from oxidative damage and may contribute to cardiovascular health​.


(L. fermentum LF16 and L.
acidophilus LA02) probiotic exerting a broad-spectrum protective barrier effect, selected for additional specific antagonist activities towards different yeast species. Lactobacillus in general have antibacterial and anti-fungal effects. In addition, it improves immune response against virus.


(Azadirachta Indica)

Repairs tissue.

Since thousands of years ago, Asians have used Neem for healing. Today, the best-established and most widely recognized uses are based on its merits as a general antiseptic. Neem preparations are reportedly efficacious against a variety of skin diseases, septic sores, and infected burns. The leaves, applied in the form of poultices or decoctions, are also recommended for boils, ulcers, and eczema. The oil is used for skin diseases such as scrofula, indolent ulcers, and ringworm. Neem is thought to have antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal as well as tissue repair properties.

Hop (Humulus lupulus)

Humulus lupulus is a potent phytoestrogen with favourable effects on vasomotor symptoms (e.g., hot flushes), mental and emotional stress symptoms, and improvement in sleep quality.

Trigonella Foenum-Graecum (fenugreek)

Trigonella, commonly known as fenugreek, can help increase testosterone levels and improve sexual function in men, which may be beneficial for those with low testosterone​. In women, fenugreek has been used to improve desire and arousal by increasing free testosterone concentration. It can also alleviate menstrual cramps and discomfort. Its anti-inflammatory and muscle-relaxing effects are believed to contribute to this benefit​.

Naturally available chemicals


Enhance probiotic effects.


Provides anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect.


(Alpha-glucan oligosaccharide)

Modulate the microbiota.

Citric acid

Repairs tissue.


Repairs tissue.

Hyaluronic Acid

Repairs tissue.

Nisome & Phytosomes

innovative encapsulation forms that are made from naturallyoccurring chemicals and that deliver active substances to basal and parabasal layer of the epithelium (i.e., deeper part of the tissue)

Sodium Carbonate

releases carbon dioxide gas when mixed with citric acid